At WinningSEM, we help clients launch new brands, resuscitate struggling ones and develop brand strategies that guarantee strong identity and consumer bonding. Whether you wish to simply refresh your brand, change its identity or create a brand from scratch, WinningSEM is your tool.
Our expertise and experience across the full range of marketing activities enables us to deliver the needed effective integrated marketing & communication solutions. We will handle all your marketing activities, to ensure that all the activities you undertake are focused on achieving your company’s ultimate business goals.
We can help you with:
It is the structure of brands within an organizational entity. It is the way in which the brands within a company’s portfolio are related to, and differentiated from, on another.
We will help you define the different leagues of branding within the organization; how the corporate brand and sub-brands relate to and support each other; and how the sub-brands reflect or reinforce the core purpose of the corporate brand to which they belong.
No matter how big or small your business is: Your corporate identity or ‘BRAND’, influences the opinion of your customers and potential customers about your business. Marketing Mix will help you capture what your branding is about and the reason why your customers buy from you. We’ll then use this to develop a brand identity that can be used in all your marketing materials and across your business to ensure that you deliver your brand promise to your customers.
If you have an idea about a new market you believe you could enter and prefer to have a specialized external marketing view of the idea; WinningSEM will help to ensure a successful plan for a New Market/Segment Development. The plan will be customized to your requirements, time scales & budgets.
Whether you have an existing business and wish to extend it or create an adjacent one, it is crucial to have a detailed plan at an early stage to maximize the benefits from the existing equity and avoid costly errors that could jeopardize the existing business. WinningSEM will help you in successfully creating your New Business/ Line Extension.
If you feel your product range & prices are not best suited to maximize market share across the different categories, there may be some gaps in your range or some product lines that are not required. WinningSEM will reassess your Product Range to achieve the best Portfolio Optimization which will result in increased sales and significant profit improvement.